

How did you do?


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5 points


Big Brown Bat Research log

Answered all the questions in the Research Log incompletely.

Answered all the questions in the Research Log half way completed.

Answered all the questions in the Research Log completely.


Hoary Bat Research log

Answered all the questions in the Research Log incompletely.

Answered all the questions in the Research Log half way completed.

Answered all the questions in the Research Log completely.


Indiana Bat Research log

Answered all the questions in the Research Log incompletely.

Answered all the questions in the Research Log half way completed.

Answered all the questions in the Research Log completely.


Conclusion Letter

Conclusion letter uses incomplete grammar and using punctuation incorrectly. The letter is uses states 1-2 reasons that support the side chosen by the student. The letter is also disrespectful of the opposite side views.

Conclusion letter has few incorrect errors using grammar and punctuation. The letter is uses states 2-3 reasons that support the side chosen by the student. The letter is also respectful of the opposite side views.

Conclusion letter is well written using correct grammar and punctuation. The letter is uses states 4-5 reasons that support the side chosen by the student. The letter is also respectful of the opposite side views.